Is Innovation – the only way to succeed ?

Truly saying I am really much inspired as well as impressed by the master evangelist of the digital age

“ Steve jobs “ who gives immense learning in digital world but simultaneously partially disagree with one point.

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower – Steve jobs

Steve jobs ` father of digital revolution speaks about the innovation in simple words .

We love Innovation and even you..

But at the same time, its not good to assume that only Innovation leads way to success.

Innovation is great but not necessarily to succeed.

We have to be best. In any thing, we must do our best and even best than existing so that users love it and get addicted(to some point).

Most of the persons who wants to start-up with their own talks about innovation . Its good ,but mostly they sit down and do nothing with words “ We have to do some innovative”. Talking about some techno ventures that have gained good heights not started as innovative but they make themselves best. They differentiate them uniquely from a big competitive crowd. They serves the best and proved them to be as best. “Google” was not a first search engine but today world is fan of this cool word. “Facebook” just came before 9 years and beated reputed name “Orkut” –product from Google in short span of time.

Similarly, examples never ends. The thing is at-least you get awake and start up.

Innovation comes from people meeting up in the hallways or calling each other at 10:30 at night with a new idea, or because they realized something that shoots holes in how we’ve been thinking about a problem – Steve Jobs